
Infected Zombie RPG by Immersion Studios

Created by Oliver R Shead

The outbreak is over. Now the real struggle for survival begins - will you try to rebuild society, or tear it down?

Latest Updates from Our Project:

So Close To The Next Achievement!
over 8 years ago – Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 08:25:02 AM

We're getting really close to that next Achievement!

We've just unlocked 2 more in the last couple of hours, meaning there are 14 Achievements unlocked - ONE OFF unlocking the next mini adventure.

Here's where it stands:

189 Soldier Backers and above (next is 200!)
545 Twitter Followers (next is 550 - so close!)
Twitter Tweets ALL UNLOCKED
7 Infected Faces/Pics (next is 15) 
10 Destroyed Cars (next is 15)
13 Survivors (next is 15)
17 Destroyed Buildings (next is 30) UNLOCKED!
5 Dice Pic (next is 5)
192 G+ Followers (Next is 200)
10 FB Shares (Next is 20)
17 Biohazard/Radiation Symbol pics (Next is 30) UNLOCKED!
7 Photos of you in Survivor Mode (Next is 10)
0 Photos of games

Now's the last few hours to get involved! Let's unlock as many of these as we possibly can! :)

over 8 years ago – Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 11:19:16 PM

WOW! We just unlocked STRETCH GOAL #5 - x4 MAPS!!

This is so incredible. Support for the project is just going through the roof - and we still have 24 hours to go!

The next Stretch Goal is $28K - an entire 30-page setting supplement!

I know we can do it - let's spread the word and get that Stretch Goal!!


We've now unlocked 11 Achievements, which means we're only 4 Achievements off getting that second mini-adventure in the ebook! How cool is that?!

187 Soldier Backers and above (next is 200!)
546 Twitter Followers (next is 550 - so close!)
Twitter Tweets ALL UNLOCKED
5 Infected Faces/Pics (next is 15) UNLOCKED!!
10 Destroyed Cars (next is 15 - we're close!)
13 Survivors (next is 15)
9 Destroyed Buildings (next is 15)
5 Dice Pic (next is 5)
193 G+ Followers (Next is 200)
10 FB Shares (Next is 20)
8 Biohazard/Radiation Symbol pics (Next is 10)
7 Photos of you in Survivor Mode (Next is 10) UNLOCKED
0 Photos of games (yikes)

over 8 years ago – Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 11:19:14 PM

WOW!! There's been a huge surge of support today, and we just smashed straight through Stretch Goal #4 - A new adventure created in the book, with backer-created NPCs, Somebodies, NPC groups, and so on!

I will endeavour to fit as many backer-created people and groups as possible, to make this a rocket-ride of an adventure. And of course, it will have killer art :)

So now what's next?

Well, we're already sailing straight towards Stretch Goal #5 - x4 High Quality Maps!

These maps will be beautiful, naturally painted in full colour, and will highlight key regions in the book. I'm really excited about these! Man oh man these will add to the book!!

That Stretch Goal is at $24K, just another $1700 to go to get there!! LET'S SMASH IT!! :)


Achievement Unlocked!
over 8 years ago – Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 03:38:58 PM

We just unlocked another Achievement! Yeeha!

That means we'll now be adding a short story as background to the mini-adventure being created as a free PDF download. Its story will tie into the story of the adventure, giving a whole lot of background info, and helping to immerse you in the setting! Cool, right? 

Here's Where The Achievements Are At:

164 Soldier Backers and above (next is 200!)   
546 Twitter Followers (next is 550 - so close!)
102 Twitter Tweets (next is 100!)  UNLOCKED!!4 Infected Faces/Pics (next is 5)
10 Destroyed Cars (next is 15 - we're close!)
11 Survivors (next is 15)
9 Destroyed Buildings (next is 15)
2 Dice Pic (next is 5)
193 G+ Followers (Next is 200)
10 FB Shares (Next is 20)
8 Biohazard/Radiation Symbol pics (Next is 10)
0 Photos of you in Survivor Mode (Next is 5)
0 Photos of games (yikes)
I know we can do it everyone! Let's push through and get some more of these Achievements done!

Stretch Goals

And speaking of goals - we're really, really close to hitting our next Stretch Goal - an adventure in the Infected book. Really close after that are the 4 lavish maps - wouldn't that be cool!

We've got about 58 hours left to make this project as epic as it can possibly be! Let's spread the word! Get out there, talk about Infected!, and make as much noise as possible.

Hangout With Me

One last thing is that I'll be doing a G+ Hangout over the last hour of the project. Please feel free to pop by and join in the chat! I would like to get the opportunity to thank as many of you in person (so to speak) as possible, talk about future plans, and generally have a bit of an online party! :)

You can find the Event link here.

Cheers everyone!


3 Achievements To Go!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 06:39:52 PM

We're only 3 Achievements away from unlocking the next tier on our Achievements list! That's really, really close!

For example, we only need 5 more Followers on Twitter to make one Achievement!!

A couple more photos of destroyed buildings will see us through to another Achievement done!

We're also getting really close on the Twitter Retweets - just a few more and we'll have pushed that one through to the 100 mark!

I think the Infected pics are also really close, as are the characters (thank Jazzy - you've done a whole lot of work on those!). 

So if you'd like to unlock the short story that ties into that first mini adventure... get involved!! The more achievements we make, the more mini adventures and short stories we can unlock as a free PDF! How cool would that be?
